Friday, May 6, 2011

The 2 Little Rascals are Home Alone for Only One More Night!

It's Friday and it sorta feels like a Friday so the days do catch up it seems.

Today seems like a pretty productive day so far. I donated plasma (without any snags for the sixth time straight), I cleaned up around the house since Cha Cha is coming home tomorrow and you can imagine what the house looked like with Oscar Madison and Oscar Madison, Jr. being alone for four days, I went to The House Cafe and had a salsa-avocado wrap after listening to myself talk about it on this weeks podcast while mowing the lawn yesterday, then I went to chase a lead on a possible job. Unlike the one I blogged about yesterday this one I do hope I get. It's really close to home and is for a place where I know I would like to work. That's all I am going to say about it because I don't want to jinx it. Now, after I get done blogging I am going to change the oil on the 4Runner because A) it's time and B) this coming week I make the long trek down and back to pick up Splenda for summer break. It appears that I am going it alone which I don't mind. When Cha Cha and I were dating and I was still going to SIU and she had transferred to NIU I would drive home and back every weekend...ahhh young love (now turned into MIDDLE love).

I have so many things written down to talk about but I have a conflict these days. Do I blog it or podcast it? I don't want to repeat the same stuff in both. 

I heard that Jackie Cooper died. The things that come to mind immediately when I think of Jackie Cooper are: Perry White in Superman (the Christopher Reeve ones) and his roles as Jackie in Our Gang / The Little Rascals. I was a huge Little Rascals fan and my favorites were: Jackie (who fell in love with Mrs. Crabtree), Mickey (who grew up to be Baretta), Stymie and Wheezer. If you ever get a trivia question asking about my favorite Little Rascal now you'll know (probably tied between Stymie and Wheezer actually). Cooper left The Little Rascals to go to the big screen in the movie Skippy where we was the youngest person nominated for the Lead Actor role. He was the youngest person to be nominated in any category until 50 years after he was nominated Justin Henry was nominated for Best Supporting Actor for Kramer vs. Kramer.

I just got a text from a beautiful young woman friend asking me if I wanted to go to a strip club with her. No kidding. If Cha Cha were in town I may take her up on it but it would seem awfully weird to do that with Cha Cha out of town. I do find strip clubs fascinating though since I am a people-watcher. I have been to maybe five or six in my life (the ones in Las Vegas are nice). I am usually pretty embarrassed to be there; I don't know why - I'm not the one shaking my stuff in people's faces. I just talk to the strippers until they see someone who wants to part with their cash.

Speaking of child actors and moms jumping on planes and leaving without their handsome, crafty, charming young men... did you see where the Home Alone house went up for sale in Winnetka, IL yesterday? I was gonna buy it and turn it into a movie museum but the zoning laws wouldn't allow for that in that particular residential area. Maybe even a Home Alone Bed and Breakfast would be cool. How long would it take for me to make my $2.4 million back do you suppose? Maybe I could get Daniel Stern and Joe Pesci to work the front desk and Macaulay Culkin to be the bellhop.

Okay, I gotta get out there and start draining the oil and getting the old filter off before the wind kicks up again. Enjoy your Friday night and maybe I will blog this weekend between baseball practice, airport shuttle duty, Mother's Day, and recording a podcast... If you want to get mentioned on the podcast send me a line at TTT?...MITM (out to change the oil) TA!

1 comment:

  1. I just re-read this and it was Ms. Crabtree not Mrs. Crabtree you moron!
