Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Staycation!

It's Thursday of a holiday weekend; you must be excited. Sugar Momma is on staycation until Tuesday or Wednesday. Staycation is vacation where you don't really go anywhere specifically just do things close to home. Tonight we are going to a drum corps show so I can see friends that I haven't seen in about 35 years (I wonder if I've changed...I wonder if they've changed). Tomorrow we may finally go to The Morton Arboretum (we've been trying for months) and then Sunday I am going to Kansas City with my parents for a memorial service for one of my parents' life-long friends. I grew up with his daughters so it will be nice to see them again. It's more like a "This Is Your Life" Matt Helser tour than a vacation for Jill though me being gone for a day will probably be better than a vacation for her. Unless there's a spider in the house...then I will be missed.

Baseball is on hiatus for a week. The regular season is over and the 19 coaches meet next week to determine the tournament/play-offs. Will the smoke be white or black? We ended the season with a record of 11-12. We won our last three games against tough teams from Sycamore and Genoa-Kingston. I honestly think we will go deep in the play-offs. We are peaking at the right time. Geez, I sure sound like a coach don't I?

When did rocks get such a bad rap? You can be as dumb as a rocks. Uglier than a box of rocks. Lazier than a box of rocks. Okay, rocks aren't smart...they have no brain and rocks have no arms or legs so of course they are lazy and dumb but I am not so sure about ugly. Isn't a diamond a rock? What about quartz? People travel thousands of miles to see the Rockies or the Andes or the Himalayas..all they are is rocks. Let's cut the rocks some slack people. Rocks Rock!

Remember awhile back I applied to be Alicia Keys' blogger? I cannot believe that for her website I Am A Superwomen ( she chose a woman from New Jersey. What does she know about being a strong woman that a MIDDLE-aged, meloninly-challenged male from MIDDLE America doesn't? I think I may have to contact Jesse Jackson on this deal.

My sunburn is slowly turning to tan because even though I itch like crazy I fight the urge to scratch. One thing that is/are peeling badly is/are my lips...most people call this "chapped." I never even thought about Chapstick (ca-ching) when going out in the sun. I will now..."call me Matty Chapstick!" They always had those commercials with skiiers (Susy Chaffee...) but maybe they should have shown surfers or Bruce Jenner (Lance Armstrong today) for the summer sports.

Sugar Momma was wearing a Shrug the other day. I asked, "what the heck is a shrug?" Apparently it's like a light jackety thing that you can just throw over your shoulders and shrug off. I thought it was like a shoulder-rug (shrug). Between Shrugs and Camelflage and all the other things you ladies have to deal with like: that monthly "friend", menopause, giving birth, us whiny men...I am really glad I'm a dude. Whoever called the females the "weaker sex" was out of HIS mind. I really believe this; I am not just saying it because Sugar Momma is on staycation.

I will blog tomorrow in the morning and then probably very early Saturday as my Kansas City Limo is picking me up at 5:00 Saturday. I will take the laptop with and probably blog on the will be like blog training for my upcoming East Coast baseball trip. This time we're going to Phillies, Orioles and Nationals. Last time it was Phillies (rained-out), Yankees and Mets. I don't mind Philly again...gotta lose a few L.B.'s by September to make room for Cheesesteaks! Maybe Sugar Momma will want to bike or hike (patent/trademark/copyright - unless it already exists) to the Farmer's Market today. Smell ya later!

** staycation graphic relaxed from, susy chapstick apllied evenly from & bing and bob photo shanghai'd from **

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