I am going to return my books to the library today. I will pay my 60 cent late fee too. The irony that I am watching a movie about book burning is not lost on me. I am probably one of the last (not the last, thankfully) generations to love books. Most things like reading, these days, are done on a laptop or a tablet or whatever student use these days. I guess I sound like one of those "back in my day" fogies, That is probably because I am one of those fogies.
I woke up in the MIDDLE of the night last week and could not get back to sleep. Thankfully, it was not a work night or I would have had a tough time the next morning. So, I turned the television on and one of my favorite show from when I was a kid was showing. I don't know why I loved Thunderbirds so much but maybe it was because I was a budding ventriloquist with my Howdy Doody ventriloquist dummy. Why were they called dummys? The Thunderbirds were not ventriloquist dummies but they were a close cousin being marionettes. I think Clutch Cargo was kind of a marionette show too but they were kind more of cartoons. Maybe they just seemed like marionettes because they walked weird and had human lips with their cartoon characters. Perhaps they were the cross-overs?
It's a bit after 17:00 now and I am back from all my errands. I also stopped at the library and returned my three books and paid my 60 cent fine. I am no longer in fear of being in library prison. Going to go mow the front yard really quickly and I will finish this while dinner is in the oven. I am going to make chicken garlic parm.

It is now 17:38 and the front yard is mowed and the chicken is in the oven. I tried to set the oven to 451 but it didn't go that high. That's nice to know, actually.
Tomorrow I will probably mow the back yard though I would not mind if it rained and I were unable to do that. While I was out I had to buy a new pair of reading spectacles. I believe I left the ones I had in training school when I was training some new people yesterday. I will check at lost and found or maybe they are still upstairs at work at safety school? They're not prescription glasses so it's not really that big of a deal.
Okay the dinner is almost done and the kitchen is clean and the garage door just opened so that means that my baby is home so I will end. Thanks for coming by - sadly the Cardinals lost in extra innings. I will write again tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!
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