I finally got my $25 check yesterday for serving one day as a juror that eventually lead to the sentencing of a man to 90 to 450 years in prison. He MUST serve a minimum of 100 years. So, why not just say that rather than doing the whole "90 to 450 years" deal? He is already 55 years old so I presume he won't even live long enough to serve the 90, let alone living another 450 years. Speaking of criminals, this morning I watched movie about the Zodiac Killer on HULU called Awakening the Zodiac (2017). It's pretty much fiction following many of the facts about the 1960's murder spree in the San Francisco area. It does include many of the facts of the case as well, of course. The original Dirty Harry movie was based on the Zodiac murders and case. I do think, however, that the 2007 movie called Zodiac was better I know I mention these kind of movies all the time but that is what I am into right now.

I think I like these movies because I have always liked the old television shows like: Beretta, Adam 12, Starsky and Hutch, Columbo, The Streets of San Francisco, Hawaii Five-0, Barnaby Jones, Rockford Files... I have always been intrigued by police and detective work. That is probably part of the reason that I am so nosy a lot of the time. I can tell you most of the comings-and-goings of the people in our part of the neighborhood. For instance, this week alone, I can tell you who is having yard work done, who appears to be going on a trip/vacation today, who has hired people (most likely for cash) to re-shingle their home, who is having a larger home/yard project done - I come to this conclusion based on evidence that this person is very handy and usually does many things him/herself... I am the Mrs. Kravitz of the neighborhood but I am sure I am not the only one. I have considered, many times, to start a private detective agency. If I am so observant and nosy (on an Olympic scale) shouldn't I turn that into a career? I think that is a tricky gig though because one would have to be able to be contacted and paid... but you wouldn't want everyone to know that you're a detective. Therein lies the rub and the crux. Would I have to hire a person to answer the phones and such?

Last weekend was Fabio's college graduation. Jill, my dad and I were sitting in the second row on the main floor. There was a large family sitting in the bleachers at stage-right (to our left / 11 o'clock). There was on man that was very disruptive off-and-on throughout the event. He would stand-up and clap when nothing was going on. He would slap and yell very loudly when one of the faculty was speaking to the graduates... he was just being a nuisance and a distraction. My guess was that he was probably alcoholically-enhanced. Eventually, all the people in the row he was sitting in and the row below him were gone. I surmised that these were his family members. One young man still sat next to him (probably his son?). Eventually, a member of the DeKalb County Sheriff's Department came down and stood in an alcove near him. The man was okay for awhile and then began being inappropriate again. The Sheriff's Deputy (an assumption on my part as he may have been the sheriff himself?) went over to the man and nicely asked him to calm down. The man was quite for a bit and then bellowed again. The officer went and talked to the man again. Soon a second officer was down with the first officer who had been handling the situation. Once again, after a bit, the man behaved inappropriately again and the man was quietly and peacefully escorted out. Once he was gone all the people that had left that area earlier cane back down and were able to sit and enjoy the rest of the commencement. On the way out to get the car I notice the Sheriff's Deputy and thanked him and commended him for the way he handled the incident. It was nice to see with all of the shootings and the isolated acts of force throughout the nation right now. I feel that this current national culture has given a green light to people to misbehave with little or no punishment. I know that most people know how to behave properly but the others are ruining most things for the rest of us. Police officers are our friends and they do want to help. Just stay away from Waffle Houses. Off the soapbox now.
I just went out back and dug-up a rock path because it is being redirected. I am sweating like something that sweats a lot. I thought about a sweat bee but I doubt that they sweat; I think they just like to sting us while we are sweaty. However, I am not a sweat bee expert nor do I claim to
Last night Jill and I went out for dinner and drinks with some of my friends since I was in fifth grade, I think. It was a great time`and we will do it again.
It is almost 14:00 now - geez. Oh yeah, the neighbor is getting his pool ready for summer.
I am going to end now and get out of these sweaty clothes. If you are sweating in your clothes aren't they considered sweat clothes no matter whether if it tuxedo or a swim suit? TTT (probably Wedensday)...MITM sweating OUT ~ TA!
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