Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Another Disaster Averted - Happy Ending Blog!

I used to start the blog the same way just about every day but I haven't done this in quite awhile. For some reason I am waxing nostalgic today so.... HIT IT ROZ! (just enough cowbell)
#1 Chicago Blackhawks #2 St. Louis Cardinals...

My legs are feeling pretty good but, now the rest of me feels like skata. I am fairly certain that I am dying. We're all dying the day we are born so now that I think of it - I AM CERTAIN THAT I AM DYING! I think I have a lot of flu-things going on because my body can only seem to handle one battle at a time. Pansie-ass body! I suppose I can now focus on some of those things. The ear problem is still going on. They looked at my ears when I was in for the poison but, there is probably a reason they work at the "Convenient Care" part of the practice. I could be wrong but I have always thought of "urgent care" or "immediate care" or "convenient care" to be the minor leagues of medical practice. If they were really good doctors they would have their own practices so they could rip us off even more that they are at these convenience stores of the medical industry. I am delighted that tonight is my Friday. I have an appointment with my REAL doctor a week from tomorrow (my yearly hostage negotiation thing) and I am 98.6% sure he will suggest the camera up the but deal. He mentioned it last year but said it didn't have to be done right away. Can you opt-out of that? I guess you can say "no" to anything can't you? How in the Hell is the herd supposed to get thinned if we all live 100 years these days? People don't really appreciate what they have until it is gone and I want to be appreciated within the next 30 years or so. 

Last night at work was nice. We are really slow right now because about 90% of our "customers" are gone right now. Some will be back in a month and three days or so but most will be gone for 93 days or so. I have mixed feelings. I like when we are busy but, it is good to have a break too I suppose. My real vacation will end exactly one week before we get busy again. Not exactly, now that I think about it, because they will be back a bit before they really HAVE TO be back. The real reason that last night was nice was the Cardinals-Cubs game went extra innings so it was still on for a bit while I was driving around and the Blackhawks were still playing. Both games ended to my satisfaction too. I think the Cards may still be playing again tonight when I start work depending on the speed of the game. 

I cannot stop looking at dandelions now after writing yesterday's blog. Damn weak minded blogger! My neighbor is mowing his lawn for about the sixth time of the year. I have done it once. I quit, he wins! Doesn't he know that it may snow tonight? 
If I could have just gotten a few pounds heavier I may have won
Almost done watching the entire Band of Brothers again. What do you call those things? Are they still called a mini-series? A really long film? It is 705 minutes long (that's 11.75 hours). I am almost done with episode number seven. I think this will be the third time I will have watched it in it's entirety. I am in no rush and my computer and/or phone marks my spot so I can start right where I left off when I have to stop watching because life gets in the way. It's kind of like a bookmark used to do back when we read books. That's a lesson for you youngsters out there. I am really happy we have HBO and HBOGO.

I have to stop. Actually I want to stop. I am going to just sit here for a bit and do nothing. Then I will go lie in bed and sleep and dream about doing nothing and then I will go to work and do something. It seems I will have plenty of time to blog tomorrow because I will be marooned on this uncharted desert isle. Cha Cha is going into the office and Fabio takes the 4Runner to school. I really don't find it necessary to get another vehicle for these once every three or four month occurrences. I have a bicycle if I need to go anywhere desperately and I am close to the supermarket. I could cut over the railroad tracks (hypothetically because the track easement is private property and that would be trespassing - "law and order every time" is my motto) if I need to walk to one of a handful of bars and probably a dozen or so restaurants). I would be more worried about staggering back over the tracks - sounds like a movie. Alright, almost sleepy time. Thanks a lot for stopping by; I really appreciate you. (never mind - disaster averted...Greg is going to sweep me off to the barssssss)

Why is everything based on fear in our society? More on that tomorrow if I live to remember. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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