Friday, February 7, 2014

I'd Like to Teach the World to Blog in Perfect Harmony

I don't want a 2 pack I want 2 batteries!
Why don't AA batteries come in packages of two anymore? I found this out this morning when I went over to buy a new thermostat. I figured I'd get a couple of new ones for the new thermostat. I didn't need eight or 16 so I got zero. I decided I would just use the ones from the old thermostat. I swapped out the thermostats and, as it turns out, it seems like it is a sensor issue with the furnace. The fan works and the furnace torches up (even when it's not 4:20) and the little alternating green flashing lights (slow flash, not rapid flash), which are much smarter than I, say it's a sensor. So, here I sit blogging because if I go downstairs to edit the podcast or work on Fabio's new rec. room I may not hear the dude at the door. He said he'd call first but, I am freezing and do not want to take the chance of missing him. It gets cold in the house pretty quickly when there is no heat and it's below zero outside. Stupid cheap-as tract housing. He said it would only be about an hour so, here I blog again.

I seriously may have to put on my gloves to finish this blog. From here on out I blame all misspelling or stupid comments on me typing while wearing gloves. I seriously may put on a jacket too. I have a sweat shirt on but, still a bit chilly.

Is Jay Leno done yet? He must be. I just checked and the Olympics are on in his place tonight. I doubt that I will watch the Olympics but, there is a better chance of me watching them than there ever was of me watching Leno (also below zero). I just saw where The U S and A leads the medal count with 37; I didn't even know they had started yet. Back when I was a kid we always watched the Olympics - we didn't have 200 channels to choose from back then. Did I mention that it's cold in here?
He didn't seem that blurry in person

Sorry, I was gone for a bit. All-Star Heating was just here. Heat is blowing out of the vents now (we used to call them registers back when I was a kid - what the Hell did that mean?) He changed the sensor and cleaned the hoses and charged me $80. I will take the $70 thermostat back and it will feel like I broke even. Even though it will have cost me $80. While he was here I talked to him about servicing the air conditioner in the Spring. You can see what kind of an optimist I am when I am thinking air conditioning when it's five below zero outside. Maybe that's because five below zero is like a heat wave compared to some of the weather we have been having lately.

Now I am thinking about the Olympics. I really wonder how the rest of the world views America and Americans. A lot of things that happen here embarrass me as a member. With the podcast I know that we are listened to, literally, all over the world. I hope that we don't add to the embarrassment. We talked about the Coca Cola commercial that is causing so much controversy. I thought the commercial was great. If you haven't seen it children sing the song America The Beautiful in many different languages. Even if you have seen it that is what happens in the commercial. You can click that blue link and watch it on YouTube. Idiots are upset that "our national anthem would be sung in those different languages." WAIT FOR IT... America The Beautiful is not our national anthem!!! I wonder how many of our Founding Fathers (capitalized out of respect) were not born in America...all of them maybe? Thomas Jefferson spoke six languages. I speak three (yes, one of them is Pig Latin). People can be born here and be citizens and speak different languages. I thought that was one of our great appeals; the diversity. That's one of things I love about us. Coca Cola is doing great because of all of this craziness. Why would I have talked about Coke here ever? When I am not drinking alcohol - 87.4527% of the time I am drinking agua (I hope that didn't offend you)! Agua is Espanol for water.
Weindorf Breweries

Now that it's getting warmer in here I have to get some things done. My buddy Greg is coming over this afternoon and we are going bar-hopping. Let me know if you want to go and I'll let you know where we are gonna be. This is a college town so, we may try to see them all. Hit me up on Facebook and I will tell you where we are. Maybe I will just "check-in" everywhere we go and you can catch up with us. I will try to do that. Remember though, Greg and I went to SIU and we are among the people who ruined the Halloween celebration for everyone else after us. I wonder if they'll have Black Label (what I drank in college) or Beer (what Greg drank in college) - generic yellow cans with the word "BEER" in bold black type. Thanks a lot for stopping by. I will get the podcast edited and up within the next few days. Have a great night and, maybe we will see you around town tonight. I'll buy you a Coke (with Malibu or Jack Daniels or whatever your poison is). TTTT (or later today if you catch us). TA!

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