Saturday, February 22, 2014

Happy Birthday if This is Your Birthday

Where in the World are we now?
I was unsure if I would blog today but, I have to share something with you (and the future me when I get senile and wonder what I was like when I was MIDDLE aged). Dirty Laundry Podcast received another 100 downloads from a country that I would never imagine would be this into us.Within the last two days this country has downloaded our show 194 times. Downloads seem to be a big deal. Plays are good, visits are good, mobile plays are good but downloads, to me, seem more permanent. It bumped us all the way to number 45 in the Comedy category now; we have moved up another 31 spots over night. Right now I am editing the show we recorded last night and I will make this a cliff-hanger so you have to listen to the show to find out which country is so into us right now. I am just waiting to find out that it is a statistical error and the numbers get corrected; why can't we, as humans, just accept that maybe we are as entertaining as others think we are? I cannot wait to see if we continue our move toward the top!

Okay, it has been about four hours since I wrote that last paragraph and the new show is ready for consumption. Just use that red link up there to finally get your curiosity squelched. I love the new song we play on this week's show. It's a new musical group to the show and we will end up playing a lot before stop podcasting. They have been around since the mid-90's so they have plenty of music for us to play. I have to try to calm down; right now I am on a podcast high. I hope you can get the contact high.

I have to work in 4 1/2 hours. It will be Monday morning soon for me.

I want to wish a happy birthday to The Lost Sock a few hours early. I am not sure if he still reads the blog but, just in case he does... He is one of the really good ones. If you know him make sure to wish him a great day!

I don't really know what's going on today because I have had my head buried in pod for the last six hours. I heard that we may be getting three or four more inches of snow Monday. I guess we need to replace the snow that has melted or washed-away by rain the last couple of days. I am so sick of Winter in the MIDDLEwest. I curse my ancestors. They must have come here in the Spring or Autumn and thought, "wow, this is great weather and what wonderful land for farming..." If you ever decide to settle somewhere else go at the worst time of year. Maybe if one of them would have been smart enough to invent the Internet they could have done some research before they settled. There is a reason they call it "settled!"

The word "premiere" is used to loosely these days. AMC just had a commercial on that said they are showing Gladiator and it is a 'Premiere Event." I guarantee they have shown this film many times (one of my favorites, by the way). But there is some stupid new arm wrestling show on after the movie so, I guess that makes it an event. They take us for morons.

I had better end. I need to get a few winks before I have to work through the cold night. Thanks a lot for stopping by. I will probably blog again tomorrow since this one is kinda sparse. In the meantime there is at least one podcast that should keep you entertained. What else do you have to do on a Saturday night anyway? Think of the money I will save you. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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