Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome to the MITM Time Machine! (hold on tight)

I got into bed about two hours ago but I cannot sleep. I began reading my book to try to get sleepy and then I began thinking about the story I have have had kicking around in my head for a couple of months. Out of nowhere the "twist" of my story materialized in my mind and now all I am doing is thinking about the story I believe I was destined to write and I have been scribbling notes. This has happened to me many times over the years and I have about eleven unfinished novels in various boxes and briefcases around here. I suppose after I get the first of these now twelve books published the other eleven should be easier. I hope I can get one written before books no longer exist. I am at a place in my life now where I am not shackled to my job and when I come home from work I am home; almost all of my other jobs since getting out of college have required me to be a slave to my job during all of my waking hours whether home or on vacation or at work. This may also explain why I am a much better person to be around than I have been in quite a few years. Instead of becoming a crotchety old man I am becoming better with age. Not like wine but more like cheese. The kind where the mold actually makes the cheese taste better.

Luckily, I am off of work tomorrow (today). I do have to get up early (it's 2:08 AM right now and I need to get up at 6:30) because it's Fabio's first day of school today (in five hours). I cannot get my story out of my head so I am quite distracted here.

Cha Cha and I recorded Dirty Laundry Podcast about five hours ago. It's not ready to be heard because I have not edited it yet. I could have had that done over the past five hours but I actually thought I would be asleep by now or I would have edited it. That's why I don't get paid to think on my days off.

Okay, it's 2:19AM now and I am going to try to get four hours of rack time. I will let you know how that goes when I finish this blog later this morning (you won't even know I was gone - unless I die and then you will never even know I wrote this unless someone finds it and says, "this is the last thing he ever wrote before he died" and they hit "publish" and then I will be the first person to have blogged from the other side). Now it is 2:22AM and I am taking a break right here....
Happy to be back!
Okay, welcome back from the Matt In The Middle Time Machine! I think I am still Alive! It is now 1:53PM. You have traveled nearly twelve hours in a MATTer of a few seconds. Do you feel dizzy? Take a moment to regain your equilibrium. I slept from about 2:30AM - until about 6:35 AM; better than I thought I would. I am finished editing the podcast and it is currently uploading so by the time you read this you can hit that DLP link up there and load #76 should be there for you. I love doing the podcast but it is a lot of work. Also a of of work has been getting the new Kajunkles Studio organized. I still have a ways to go but it is looking pretty good. I feel like the show is growing and will one day be a big steps have already turned into toddler steps and before you know it we will be out of our training pants.

Even though I have now just written one paragraph I am going to wrap-up because I am spent. I may blog again tonight or tomorrow morning but either way I will probably post it tomorrow so as to not confuse things with two posts on the same day even though the writing went across the span of two days. I am still very excited about the story I am formulating in me noggin and on paper.

Thanks a lot for everything - you are one of the reasons I continue to do the podcast and the blog though I get a lot out of both too. Have a great Wednesday and Wednesnight and please listen to the podcast and like Dirty Laundry Podcast on Facebook - why not, you liked lots of other stupid stuff; some worse that the podcast. TTTT...MITM (to the land of nod for a bit) TA!

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