Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is Sense Really That Common?

Don Juan DeMatto
You know how I told you that my high school class reunion is this coming weekend? Well, I didn't realize it until Christie, one of my classmates that is making our name tags, posted our name tags on our reunion Facebook page that I looked a great deal like Johnny Depp in my senior picture. I would have thought I would have had a lot more girlfriends in high school. Too bad Johnny Depp wasn't famous yet. He's older than me so I am cuter now probably. I wish I had listened to my parents and gone to that 21 Jump Street audition like they begged me to do. That's a lesson for you youngsters out there - listen to your parents because sometimes they know what they're talking about. I could be playing Tonto in the The Lone Ranger movie coming out next year. Did you know Johnny Depp is playing Tonto? WELL HE IS AND THAT SHOULD BE ME!!! Maybe he needs a stunt double.

Why do we cross our legs?  I have observed over the past couple of weeks that approximately 92.65% of people cross their legs. (Do you like how I said approximately and then gave such a specific phony-bologna percentage?) Crossing our legs is probably bad on our backs and our legs. I know I used to cross my legs more when I was fat to try to hide my gut; like it's easy to hide a baby gorilla behind a couple of pencils.

Cha Cha and I went to Ruby Tuesday last night while the kids were still at Great America. We picked Ruby Tuesday because they have a good salad bar. I was up getting my salad and they were out of onions...I have to have onions on my salad - it's the law. This dragon-breath doesn't make itself you know. I asked the lady by the front door about the onions and she said "we're out of onions." I wanted to go Gordon Ramsey on her butt. How in the world can any restaurant be out of onions? I am never even out of onions in my kitchen at home. Cha Cha wanted to order guacamole so I said I would share it with her. It was terrible. It was a little brown and tasted like bad avocados. The server came by and asked how everything was. I am not normally one to complain - I really, really, really don't like to complain. I hesitated and told him that the salad bar was out of onions and the guac tasted old. He said that the guacamole was made fresh and I said yes but they made it with old avocados. He substituted some shrimp fondue stuff which defeated the whole purpose of going there to get salad bar. FATTENING! I know it wasn't his fault so I still tipped 20% but I will not go back for awhile. The bartender told us that they were out of a lot of stuff because it is Monday. I loved her honesty and our server was very accommodating to try to make us happy. What are they going to do today now that it's Ruby Tuesday? I guess only go to this restaurant on Tuesdays. TGIF on Fridays. Applebee's on Johnny Appleseed's birthday.

After we ate we stopped off and got a couple of printer cartridges because both the color and the black were needed. What a scam the printer thing is. Once you put the cartridges into the printer it makes you print a "page alignment." It prints a whole bunch of bars of various colors. It seems to use so much ink that we probably already need new ink cartridges. Talk about creating your own business.

While I was taking a shower and listening to the radio the news guy was talking about the excessive heat we're supposed to have again today in the MIDDLEwest and said that we should all practice common sense when dealing with the heat. Is sense really that common? If it were why would he even have to tell us to use it? There are so many things that happen every day in this world that I know there is no such thing as common sense. I believe in a lot of things but I know that one is a myth. If sense were common we wouldn't need cross-walk signs.

I have so much more to write but I have to get ready for a pre-employment exam this morning. I will try to use common sense on the test but you probably already used your common sense and knew that so I should have used my common sense to know that and I probably didn't need to tell you. Have a great day and try to stay out of the heat if you can. Blog you tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (out to make Johnny Depp envious)


  1. Hey MITL or Agitator, did you know you've moved to the top of the Google search results?

    pretty neat


  2. Thanks TLS. Yeah - and we were #8 in our category yesterday. People are listening even though there are some haters. I read your letter and you're right...this main hater is a consistent listener even though he/she hates us and I am thinking they are from Australia based on their first clue LOL.

