Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Hello, Mainland America!

Home again, home again, jiggety jig. What a wonderful trip we had to Puerto Rico. Cha Cha and I both agree that Puerto Rico makes more sense for us that Hawaii. We loved Hawaii but it was a lot more flight and a lot more money to get there and back. If we lived in California we would probably feel differently. I bet we go back to San Juan again before our ride on this rock ends.
pretty cool caves and such on our night-time kayak work-out

We did so many great things over the past four days. We: spent a lot of time in the ocean, walked up-and-down the beach many times, visited a castle in Old San Juan from when pirates were pirates, kayaked at night in a bioluminescent bay, gambled in a few casinos, took our lives on roads that would make New York cab drivers wince, hiked to the bottom of a rain forest (Fabio and I did) before getting thrown-out at the bottom because of a flash flood warning and then having to hike back to the top, ate a lot of great food and drank quite a few fun drinks... The people there are very friendly and quite hospitable.

I went and weighed-in today after getting back from living like an islander for a few days and I can say, based on losing 4.2 pounds in one week of which four of those days were traveling and islanding (yes, that is a new verb I just made-up), that island life is a healthy way of life. Like any other way of life, however, you still have to make the right choices of food and exercise. So, now I have lost a total of 43.6 pounds since December 29th. That is, what seems to me, a pretty healthy loss of 2.4 pounds per week on average. I feel like have lost about half of what I would like to lose; I should be where I want to be by the end of August if things continue to progress (or digress, maybe) as they have been going.

We still have not hot water in the house. This morning I had the heating/air-conditioning man come over and take a look at the water heater. He could not keep the pilot light going either. So, he put me in touch with a plumber who I spoke with and he is going to try to get over this afternoon and take a look at it. He thinks he can get us three or four more years out of this water heater if it is what he thinks it is. If not, it may be another $1000 to replace that water heater rather than the $100 for the four or five year deal. We never know which decisions are right and which ones are wrong in our lives because we never see the outcome of making the other choice. We just make the best choices we can based-on the information we have and we live with the results and go from there depending on what occurs thereafter.
Thank you sir, will you inspect the other?

I forgot that I got the pat-down at the airport by the TSA (Transportation Security Administration). Supposedly it was random but I felt racially profiles. It worked-out well because my testicles were itchy anyway. Then, when we got to home after landing in Chicago I went to unpack and saw that the one suitcase that we checked had been gone-through by the TSA. It was nice to put the suitcase on the plane in San Juan and go to Charlotte and not have to pick-up the suitcase and then take the next flight from Chicago to O'Hare and the suitcase was there for us. I wish we would have come straight home from San Juan as the plane we took from Chicago to San Juan had better entertainment features, I assume, because of the longer time in the air.

I wrote a lot of notes while on the trip but I am too tired and lazy to get them. I have already done all the laundry from the trip so I am happy to have that done. I also did some laundry and grocery shopped (two stores) and went to the bank and baked eighteen eggs which I will peel when I am done writing this. Incidentally, I have found with the baked hard-boiled eggs they are better if you peel them as soon as they cool. If you peel them later they are kind of slimy though they can be rinsed to make them normal again. Okay, 18 eggs peeled and refrigerated.

It is 13:27 already and no call from the heater dude; my guess is I will be seeing him tomorrow instead of today. He thought that might be the case but we both hoped it would be today. It may still be today, stranger things have happened.

The heater dude came and got the water heater going and now it is out again and I cannot light the pilot light again. I called and will await his new call tomorrow morning. UUUGGGHHHH

Crap, now it is 19:49 and I have done lots of important things since that last paragraph and now I am going to end. Thanks a lot for stopping by; I am happy and thankful and fortunate that you do. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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