Monday, March 23, 2015

Being Crazy is Not that Scary After All

It was difficult to find a photo of him with that hat on
So, I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I guess I passed-out here at home about an hour ago. I do not remember doing it but I do have a sore spot on my head where she said I hit the bookshelf on my way down like a ton of bricks or a sack of potatoes or whatever - I cannot say how I went down because I apparently blacked-out. I am not sure how long you have been reading this blog (some of you a very long time and some of you started more recently - when Cha Cha was in the hospitalS over the Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays). Anyway, I have had this weird thing going on where I start to have these out-of-body experiences. I cannot pin the "episodes" to any specific stimuli or events that cause these occurrences. In short, I start to get a weird feeling in my chest and then a tingling in my nose and then my head gets fuzzy and I jump into the minds / looking out through the eyes of a famous person (usually someone from my childhood. The ones that come to mind are Butch Patrick (Eddie Munster from The Minsters), Micky (yes, that is how he spells his "Micky") Dolenz (Micky of The Monkees - of course I would be the drummer), Brandon Cruz (Eddie Corbett from The Courtship of Eddie's Father) and the like. Yesterday I was looking out the eyes of H.R. Pufnstuf, specifically when he was wearing a cowboy hat and white cowboy boots (I think he always wore those boots though). He really is my "friend when things get tough." I have likened the leaps to Quantum Leap - maybe there is a television series or a book in this? Too bad I will be bananas or crackers or another food that means crazy so I won't be able to enjoy it. I have always kind of enjoyed the little journeys but, if I am going to pass-out, that may be a hindrance in life. I swear there was a television show about someone who would jump into other television shows. Maybe I am thinking of the film Pleasantville?

I am sitting down at the dining room table eating a tuna sandwich ("too much tuna") talking to you and I heard Jill up in her office talking on the phone saying, "yeah, he's been having these (and then the door closed and I hear muffled talking about me up there). I know it is about me (duh) and I am not sure if it is to the doctor or it's an interview with the National Enquirer or what. Jill seems to think it is lack-of-sleep related. She thinks I am falling instantly into a dream-state even though I rarely remember dreams. I wonder if I can parlay this into pity-sex? I must admit that I am a bit concerned. I am Always Looking on the Bright Side of Life . That song (the red link there) always makes me smile. I would like that played at my funeral. I would say that is one my last wishes but I am not sure if it is legal if I am not "of sound mind."
Jill and Fabio are really nervous - I can tell. That bothers me more than anything. Everybody has to die of something - at least I get to star in television shows while I go out. I wonder how I make the jump to the big screen!? Okay, enough about be losing my mind or dying or not getting enough sleep or whatever is happening to me.

Jill just read to me all of the things that it could be - Thanks Internet! Okay, and now for something completely different.

We still have not been able to figure out how to get the new Yamaha mixing board to work for our podcasting purposes. I think we need to get a few more things hooked-up to the board (in-studio preview speakers and/or headphones...) to make it work. I am not in the mood to work on that today. I really do want to get the show back on track. Maybe I could jump into the mind of Paul Shaffer or Phil Specter or Brian Wilson or Quincy Jones or some great producer. When I am of "sound" mind again I can get it going. That is assuming I was ever of sound mind.

I think I am going to stop because I cannot seem to focus on anything else other than what I have been blogging about today so far. Don;t worry about me - I am not in any pain or discomfort or anything. Up until this time, when I passed-out or blacked-out, I have rather enjoined my Dissociative or Depersonalization Disorder (that is what I think this truly is thanks to Adam Duritz from Counting Crows). I took off of work tonight and will return tomorrow night depending on what the doctor says tomorrow. I bet there will be medicine or a sleep study or something involved. I am obsessed with this now so I need to stop.

Have a great rest of your day - enjoy the nice Spring snow in the MIDDLEwest if you're in my part of the sticks. Please do not worry about me. I wanted to write about this in case I don't remember it someday and someone tells me about it and I think they are making it up. They can have me come here and read it in my own words. Thanks for making me feel better by you just being here. I will be able to blog tomorrow. I think I may take a sleep aid tonight and see if that help. Maybe this is just old age creeping in? TTTT...MITH (out) TA!

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