Friday, December 6, 2013

Win the TITLE THE BLOG contest!

For some reason I decided to change the look of the blog. By "the look" I just mean the background photo and the color scheme. Their options are kind of limited but, I imagine I could use one of my own photos if I were so inclined. If this were a business and/or a money-making blog I would see about that but it is more just about me writing and maybe making someone smile or think every now and then. I think change is good and I am in need of some changes. Not big changes but even a small ripple in an ocean can turn into a tidal wave with time. We never really know which of our ripples will cause a tsunami. Wow, I am deep (and wide) - nice water reference huh? I just searched for a photo to add here for "deep and wide." I figured I would see a bunch of porn photos but was delighted to find that I did not. Unfortunately, however, the one up there in the upper right was the best one I could find.

As you are very aware by now, Nelson Mandela dies yesterday. Right after I posted yesterday's blog I went to the news and saw that sad information. I don't need to say anything about Mandela. You can turn on any of a dozen of television channels or radio stations or websites and see and hear everything you even wanted to know about this great man. Talk about a dude to had courage and fortitude for his convictions. I always was a great admirer of Mandela. I am planning on watching Invictus this weekend. I have not looked but I am sure that someone will rearrange their programming to show this film. I have seen it before and know it's good plus, how can you go wrong with Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon?

Tomorrow is Pearl Harbor Day. I am not sure if this was insensitive but I when I was younger I would have a couple of Kamikazes (the drink) at a bar on Pearl Harbor Day. I suppose most things are about intention and I always intended it as a salute and tribute to the soldiers that died that day and the good that eventually came from them giving their lives (I was gonna say "the ultimate sacrifice" but that term has always sounded very cheesy to me). It will be very fitting that I WILL GET THE INTERVIEW OF MAGDA BROWN (the holocaust survivor) LOAD OF DIRTY LAUNDRY PODCAST UP TODAY OR TOMORROW! Cha Cha says she should have a few minutes this afternoon to record the intro and outro and, if not, it will be just me. The clock is ticking. By working from home she now works about 18 hours a day. I guess she is saving on gas money and driving in the upcoming winter weather though.

There is a chance that I will get to work security at The Tostitos Fiesta Bowl in Phoenix (at University of Phoenix Stadium where The Arizona Cardinals play). It is probably a slim chance but, I am excited that there is even a chance. It sounds like I would get paid from the moment that we leave until the moment we get back. I am sure that it will come down to a seniority issue and I will be about number five in seniority then. They will probably only need two of us. Maybe some people would like to be off that time (New Year's Eve and New Year's Day) but we will see. I have already volunteered to work those two days before this was mentioned, as well as the other four days during the holiday season that we get paid holiday-pay for during the holiday week. Those are good days because we get paid our hours for working AND the holiday hours. I would rather get paid to ride on a bus to Glendale, Arizona in the MIDDLE of the winter though! I wish they would go by job performance because then I would get to go for sure. The people who are above me in seniority did not sign-up for working over the holiday week but, I bet they will all volunteer when this gig is offered. Unions are good for many things but they also protect the sub-par workers. I am sure I will be blogging about how I got screwed in a couple of weeks.
I love Tostitos - does that help?

I am gonna wrap-up. I don't want to make these too long. Thanks a lot for reading the blog - it warms the cockles of my heart. I am not even sure what a cockle is but I know that it is better if they are warmed for some reason. Cockles are probably like pork - if under cooked you could get really sick. Have a great weekend - mine starts on Sunday. I will probably blog again tomorrow (maybe). TTTT (maybe)...MITM (bumming out because of seniority) TA!

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