Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Will There Be a Blog Shut-Down?

You may have noticed that there is no new Dirty Laundry Podcast yet. You may not have noticed that too. In dishonor of the United States' federal government shutting-down we did not record the new show last night. It may have had something to do with Cha Cha missing the train yesterday and having to drive to Evanston. It actually had more to do with her driving home from Evanston because she had to drive home after driving there in the morning because she missed the train. I am not sure when we will record the new show and, then, I am not sure when I will get it edited and uploaded. Life always gets in the way of things.

It's embarrassing that our government acts like a bunch of babies. Of course, each side blames the other side and I know what I believe and I also know there are just as many people that believe the opposite of what I believe than believe what I believe. I heard on the news this morning that some state and local government people may be asked to go home too when they get to work. I work tonight and, technically, I work for the state of Illinois. If I don't get to work tonight I would appreciate it if they'd just call me ahead of time. I'd much prefer to work but if I am not gonna work don't make me come in. I guess I should say that I'd much rather get paid but it seems that nobody wants to pay anybody not to work these days. Unless you work for the federal government, ironically.

If I get locked-out or shut-down or sent home or whatever term they use for getting screwed I am going to pack up the tent and a sleeping bag and head to one of the National Parks and go camping. Mesa Verde would be a cool place to camp. If I slept at Abraham Lincoln's house I wouldn't even need a tent or sleeping bag if I get there early enough; I could sleep right in Abe's bed. Sleeping in the Arch in St. Louis would be cool too. I could wake up late and watch one of the Cardinals' play-off games right from my bedroom window (with the aid of binoculars, of course). Wow, the options are overwhelming. Mt. Vernon? Camping on the White House lawn would be eventful I bet. Imagine all of the cool places to sleep in The Smithsonian Institution- wasn't there a movie about that? That whole town is some kind of an "institution" as far a I am concerned.

I have to take the Fiat over for service this morning. I think we still have like five free services left. They say they are "free" but we all know that they are figured into the price of the car when you buy it. We're really not as dumb as they think we are. At least I get to take it right here in town now. They didn't tell us that when we bought the car in Schaumburg but that's because, even though we don't pay each time we get the service done, I believe, the dealerships get some kind of pay from the manufacturer when they perform the services. I pretty much always figure I am getting screwed by someone most of the time. I don't think that very often when dealing with individuals like you but when dealing with companies I pretty much always feel that way. We all know people who behave this way too but, for the most part, I believe people are good.

I had better start getting dressed. The car appointment is in an hour. I will let you know when the podcast shut-down is over - probably today or tomorrow. If I do get "shut-down" let me know if you get "shut-down" and we'll start our National Park Service Bed and Breakfast. Imagine fresh buffalo steaks and eagle egg omelettes for breakfast in Yosemite or lunch while sitting on Teddy Roosevelt's glasses on Mt. Rushmore. When the government gives us crap we may as well make crap sandwiches.

Have a great day. Thanks a lot for stopping-in regularly and for listening to the show if the shut-down ends. The previous shows are still there if you need a fix in the meantime. TTTT (almost assuredly)...MITM (shut-out) TA!

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