Sunday, August 25, 2013


Congratulations, you are one of the minority. Friday when I wrote the blog and promoted it on Facebook and Twitter and the like I wondered to myself, "self, why do we have so many more Facebook 'likers' for Dirty Laundry Podcast than I do for Matt In The Middle?" I asked Cha Cha why she thought that was and she said that "people don't like to read." So, I asked her if maybe I should start reading my blog as a podcast. Then I read yesterday's blog to her and she chuckled but it seemed kind of dry to me. Maybe I should shorten the blog and read a week's worth at a time. It wouldn't take as long to do the blog as a podcast because there would be very little editing; I would just read it to you. I could put some instrumental music behind my velvety fog I guess. I know, however, eventually I would want to add more sound effects and the like and then I would be editing two podcasts. Another crossroad for Matt In The Middle. Cha Cha mentioned that I could do really short ones and call them Matt's Daily Affirmations or something. I would have to work on that but, like I need something else to contemplate, I have something else to think about. Speaking of Dirty Laundry Podcast - I need to get that edited and uploaded here pretty soon.

So you know - you are reading this today but I wrote it yesterday. TIME WARP! I wrote these two paragraphs right after I posted  Friday's blog. Is your head spinning?

I finished this blog yesterday (Saturday) but for some reason it would not save so I am "finishing" the blog again today. I do not remember what I wrote so I suppose the blog gods didn't approve of what I had written and they are wanting me to redo it so I am redoing it. I am the only one who read the non-existent blog from yesterday and I cannot remember 60% of anything anymore so, it is lost for the ages. Some people get exasperated that they cannot remember things as they age but I find great solace in it. It is frustrating sometimes but if you just roll with it it is quite liberating.

The busy season started at my work Thursday. One thing about my job is that we can pretty much KNOW when we are going to be busy. We will be busy from now until shortly before Christmas with a few exceptions around holidays and then we we will be slow for about a month and then be busy again until Spring. At that time we will be slow for a week or so and then pick-up again until summer when we will be REALLY slow for about three months. I so much more like work when we are busy; the time goes faster and I feel like I am helping many more people. I have an inane desire to help people. There are worse desires.

Yesterday we went and did school clothes shopping for Fabio. We had a good day. I like shopping with him because he knows what he wants and it is quick and fairly painless. He does, however, have kind of expensive tastes. It's family days like yesterday that really makes me miss Splenda. She is living her life and I am very proud of her; she's doing some very good things.

Tomorrow Cha Cha has surgery. I have to take off work a couple of hours early tonight to take her. I am glad we have FMLA (I think that stands for Family Medical Leave Act or something) at work. I am new to all of this stuff because I rarely use my sick time and I have never used this option. I think I have like 200 hours of sick time or something "in the bank." It accumulates all of the time and I don't use it. Maybe I am stupid? Maybe you're suppose to pretend your sick and use these days. I figure there may come a time when I really need a lot of sick time and I want to be able to take the time because I have it and the powers-that-be will say, "wow, he must really be sick if he's using his sick time." Again, many of the scenarios that I have in my head that are probably poppy-cock. There are many people at work who seem to be sick all the time and are in "deduct" with their sick time. How is that even possible? So, I am borrowing against my future sick time earnings? I wonder if I could sell some of my sick hours to other people? That would be awesome.

I am not sure if I will blog tomorrow. I don't know how long the surgery will take and doubt they will have WiFi there but I will take my computer just in case. I also, as I said, need to get the podcast edited. What is today, Sunday?  Have a great rest of your weekend (sorry yours is winding down). Thank you for hitching your computer here for a spell; it always makes me smile when I see that you were here.

Blog ya later. TTTT or the next T...MITM (out) TA!

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