Friday, May 24, 2013

Yes, I am a Binger! And a Bit Bananas

My frustration that you read about in yesterday's blog passed and I managed to get Dirty Laundry Podcast uploaded. I guess I just had to have a blogger tantrum to realize how ridiculous I was being. I went back down to the studio after whining about the problem and just finished the laborious task of getting that monkey off of my back. I listened to the show last night and am happy with the show. It is always worth the hassles when I get the podcast done.

So, it is Memorial Day weekend in the U.S. and A. I love saying U.S. and A. and always hear the voice of Borat Sagdiyev when I say it in my head. I wish we'd go back to calling Memorial Day Decoration Day as it was called when they invented it after The Civil War. We cannot thank the people in the armed services enough for what they do for us as we cannot take for granted the people who have done it through our history. I hadn't thought about it until now but Splenda is spending Memorial Day weekend on a Marine base; she drove to North Carolina yesterday to see her fiance. I was worried the entire time she drove down there. The movie Deliverance kept going through my mind. Do you think that fatherly worry thing ever stops or is it just some of us worry-wart fathers that worry so much? I have always been a worrier. I think it's because I think too much. This is probably why people develop drinking problems and such. I am not smart enough to develop a substance dependency I guess.

Is it true that people don't need automobile insurance in Wisconsin? That's what some girl just told my girlfriend Judge Judy. All the cheese one could ever want and no insurance and it's above me (on the map) - Wisconsin may be Heaven.

The BS of A (Boy Scouts of America) surprised me yesterday when 61% of the voting members voted to lift the ban against gay members. This does not allow for homosexual leaders yet but it is a step in the right direction. I just read a story about a lesbian who was ousted as her son's den mother or whatever they are called these day. That will be the next step and, hopefully, the voters will be as open-minded as they were with this vote when they make that vote sometime later. The talk about this being good and bad will continue but, for now, the issue is resolved. Welcome to current times BSA!
Arrested Development will be launched to Netflix in two days. I am guessing that Cha Cha and I will be spending about seven-and-a-half hours or so watching all of the episodes this holiday weekend. This sort of viewing is known as binge-watching and I am guilty of being a binger in many ways. Mitch Hurwitz, creator of Arrested Development, says that comedy takes a lot out of us and it's okay not to watch it all in the same sitting but what does he know? I will attest that comedy takes a lot out of you because I am hilariously funny, probably the funniest person I have ever known and will definitely be the first inductee in the MHCHOF (Matt Helser Comedy Hall of Fame) and I am always tired but I don't need any spoilers so I will watch it all at once. If you're a fan and don't have Netflix come on over. Call for showings as I also promised Cha Cha that we would see the new Star Trek film this weekend (without that greedy cuss William Shatner - listen to Dirty Laundry Podcast to hear about the new feud between he and I). A busy media weekend - being world-famous podcasters comes with responsibilities. Don't tell Cha Cha but I think I am going to make chocolate and nut covered frozen bananas (Bluth's Frozen Bananas) for our Arrested Development marathon. Incidentally, Jason Bateman recommends watching four episodes a day and Will Arnett says, "you gotta hammer your way through. Hit play and don't stop until you run out of battery on your viewing devise." I think I may go to Banana Republic to get something new for the premiere. Luckily, I have Netflix on my phone in case I run out of viewing time - watch and go.

This is getting too long - not a banana joke. Have a great extended weekend. I will blog this weekend one or two days.Seriously, let me know if you want to watch Arrested with a couple of comedy legends while eating The Agitator's (aka Matt In The Middle) banana. Thanks a lot for stopping by and please LISTEN TO THE PODCAST! TTTT or Sunday or MD (Memorial Day). TA!

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