Thursday, April 4, 2013

Conspiracy Judggling

That's the hat!
We recorded the season three premiere podcast last night and I like to wait about a day before I edit the show because I feel that I may be more objective if I remove myself from it for a day or two. That being blogged I was inspired by, I don't know what, to go down to the studio and record the opening of the show. I still have not touched any of the work we did last night but I have laid-down the beginning of the show. I am fighting the urge of going back down and starting the rest of the editing process but I think I will try to wait until tomorrow afternoon for that - we'll see how that goes. It sounds so cool when I say I "went down to the studio" but it really is just going down 13 steps to the studio. I wish it were more like jumping in a door-less pink jeep with no top wearing my straw lawn mowing cowboy hat (me wearing the hat not the jeep wearing it) and driving down to a little building (more of a shack) next to the ocean but that may be in the future. I bet we'd have great shows if we were on one of Florida's Keys or on the Mexican Riviera or someplace like that. A girl can dream.

I just read that someone hacked into North Korea's social media (Twitter and Flickr) sites. Who would have even thought North Korea had social media sites? Knowing that now I wish I had been a follower of North Korea on Twitter but I am afraid now I would look like an NK sympathizer or a commie or something. I don't need to be on a list of subversives for many reason. One of the posts read,  "threatening world peace with ICBMs and Nuclear weapons/wasting money while his people starve to death." They also changed a photo of Kim Jong Un to have a pig snout and pig ears with a Mickey Mouse image on his torso. Could it be someone at Disney? Actually a famous hacking group called Anonymous claims credit or responsibility and say they have gained  member information from 15,000 accounts of the government's site. 
I'm pretty sure I'd call this one in

Gay marriage - still an issue, gun control - still an issue, North Korea - still an issue, the weather - still an issue though it is getting better in the MIDDLEwest. 

Tonight I become a certified weather-spotter. I have had experience spotting weather my entire life but now I will become certified. With this certification I guess if I see inclement weather or a funnel cloud or some meteorological anomaly I will be able to call a secret number or something and they will call or a "warning" or a "watch" just based on my observation. I hope this certification is easier than the meteorology class I took on college. I have an unfair advantage as I have a part of my body that aches when the barometer changes drastically. Cha Cha doesn't like me talking about it because... I cannot even tell you why I can't tell you because then I will be telling you why. It isn't polite to blog about our private places. I will just say that since my vasectomy long ago the left region of part of my anatomy signals me with barometric discomfort. I think I just told you without telling you - you are so clever to wiggle your way through my labyrinth of weather warning clues.   

I am watching a film and they just played The Chicken Dance and now I cannot get that song out of my head. I also have the song Cold Dead Hand from last week's Dirty Laundry Podcast stuck in my noodle. If you haven't heard the song you must listen to last week's show or at least go to iTunes or and hear the song - very funny and catchy. I used the words chicken and noodle in the same paragraph and now I have chicken noodle soup stuck in my head. Now I am picturing chicken noodle soup pouring out of my nose and ears. What in the HELSER is wrong with me? Now I am hungry for chicken noodle soup. I am so weak-minded. I need to picture myself winning the lottery a little more often maybe.

Why is everything a conspiracy? Yesterday was the anniversary of the day that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by James Earl Ray in Memphis. Supposedly, James Earl Ray did not act alone. It seems that no assassin has ever acted alone according to conspiracy theorists. Sirhan Sirhan, Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray... the government is always mentioned as a possible co-conspirator in these theories. Are there really these theories or are they just made up for movies and television shows? Is it just that we cannot believe that these madmen were capable of tricking so many people; is it law enforcement trying to make it seem more convoluted so we don't wonder why they couldn't have stopped something like this? Maybe it's just fun for us to think that everything is a conspiracy? Did we really go to the moon? Are Chicken McNuggets really chicken? 

I have to get some things done so it is time to wrap this up. Thanks for landing here for a few minutes. I will porbably have the podcast uploaded tomorrow and I will let you know when it's ready. Have a great rest of the day and a great Thrusnight. TTTT...MITM (out - or am I?) TA!

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